What is Tubal Ligation?
Tubal ligation, also commonly known as "tubal sterilization," or having your fallopian tubes tied, is a permanent birth control method. To permanently prevent pregnancy, the tubes are cut, tied, or blocked.
How Does it Work?
Tubal ligation is performed to stops an egg from traveling from the ovaries through fallopian tubes and stops sperms from traveling up the fallopian tubes to reach the egg. Your menstrual cycle does not get affected by this procedure. This procedure may also decrease your chances of ovarian cancer.
When is the Tubal Ligation Performed?
Tubal ligation can be done following a vaginal birth using a small incision, also known as mini-laparotomy under the navel. This procedure can also be performed at any time using a laparoscope.
Before tubal ligation, our doctors might ask you to take a pregnancy test to ensure you are not pregnant.
At Brundavan women & child care centre, tubal ligation can be performed any time, including right after childbirth.
The procedure of Tubal Ligation:
As an outpatient, if you are having an interval tubal ligation, a needle will be inserted through your belly button to inflate your abdomen with carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide. After this, a laparoscope is inserted into your abdomen.
In most cases, our doctor will make a second small incision to insert an instrument through the wall of your abdomen. Our doctors will use this instrument to destroy parts of the fallopian tubes or block them with plastic clips or rings.
Suppose you have a tubal ligation after vaginal birth. In that case, our doctor will make a small incision under your belly button, which will provide easy access to your fallopian tube and uterus. If you have a c-section delivery, our specialized doctor will use the same incision that was made to deliver your baby.
What can you expect after Tubal ligation?
Tubal ligation is a daycare procedure. Having this procedure done right after birth does not involve a more extended stay.
Some discomfort might be experienced at the incision site. You may also experience cramping or abdominal pain, fatigue, dizziness, bloating, and shoulder pain.
Our expert doctors will discuss post-procedural pain management with you before you get discharged. You should avoid straining or rubbing the incision and avoid lifting any heavy objects.
Tubal ligation is an effective and safe form of permanent birth control.
Our experienced gynecologists at Brundavan women & child care centre are here to provide you with the best Tubal ligation procedure and aftercare.