What is Polyp Removal?
Small growths in the uterine cavity, which look like tiny mushrooms or flat bumps, are called polyps. A uterine polyp or endometrial polyps grow in the inner lining of the uterus.
There may be one to several polyps ranging in size from a few millimeters to more than 6 centimeters wide. More than 95% of uterine polyps are non-cancerous.
What are the Symptoms of Uterine Polyps?
Uterine polyps usually do not show any symptoms at all. You may rarely experience some signs such as irregular bleeding or spotting, heavy bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding, and prolapse of a polyp outside the uterus.
Our doctor will ask you to undergo a pelvic ultrasound if you are experiencing symptoms like irregular bleeding.
In some cases, an ultrasound might not diagnose a uterine polyp. In such cases, our doctors may use hysteroscopy to look inside the uterus.
How to Diagnose Uterine Polyp?
- Transgingival ultrasound
- Hysteroscopy
- Endometrial biopsy
Management of Uterine Polyp:
Medication: Certain hormonal medications may lessen the polyp symptoms. But taking such drugs is a short-term solution, i.e., symptoms typically recur once you stop taking medicine.
Polyp Removal:
Sometimes smaller polyps subside themselves without any treatment. Our doctors at Brundavan Women & Child Care centre will continuously monitor the polyp's growth to ensure they don't get larger.
You might need surgery to remove the polyp if you have severe symptoms.
Our doctors use the following treatment for Uterine polyp removal:
Polypectomy- It is the removal of the polyp from the endometrial cavity guided by a hysteroscope. Polypectomy is a daycare procedure.
After the procedure, you may experience some discomfort and tenderness. You might experience minimal bleeding after polypectomy.
About a week after your procedure, visit our doctor for your follow-up and make sure you are doing well.
At Brundavan Women & Child Care centre, we have taken a pledge to serve you with the best and most advanced polyp removal treatment.