What is Adhesiolysis?
Lumps of scar tissue formed inside your body are called adhesions. Past surgeries can cause 90% of abdominal adhesions. Adhesions can also develop from infection, trauma, or a condition that causes inflammation. Abdominal adhesiolysis is the surgery that involves the removal of adhesions from your abdomen.
What are the Symptoms of Abdominal Adhesiolysis?
- Noticeable symptoms of abdominal adhesions don't occur often. However, they can cause chronic pain and abnormal bowel movement in some people. If your adhesions cause problems, laparoscopic surgery is performed, which is a minimally invasive process. In laparoscopic surgery, a small incision is made, and a laparoscope is used to locate and remove the adhesion.
Adhesions often develop on the inner lining of the abdomen. They can also develop between:
- Intestines
- Abdominal wall
- Fallopian tubes
Indications for Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis:
Laparoscopic adhesiolysis may treat the following conditions.
- Intestinal blockages
- Infertility
- Painful Adhesions.
What is Open Adhesiolysis?
More invasive than laparoscopic adhesiolysis is open adhesiolysis. A single-incision is made through the midline of your body during this process to remove the adhesions.
Before Surgery:
Before the surgery, our doctors might advise you to avoid drinking or eating for a few hours before surgery and ask you to stop certain medications.
During Surgery:
During the surgery, our specialized doctors will give you general anesthesia. The surgeon will make a small incision and uses a laparoscope to locate and remove the adhesion.
Adhesiolysis surgery can also be used to remove adhesions from other portions of your body, such as:
- Pelvic adhesiolysis- The process of eliminating pelvic adhesions, which is the source of chronic pelvic pain
- Hysteroscopic adhesiolysis- The surgery which removes adhesions from inside the uterus.
- Adnexal adhesiolysis- Adnexal mass is growth near the uterus or ovaries. The surgical method to remove these growths near ovaries or uterus is called Adnexal adhesiolysis.
After adhesiolysis surgery, you may experience discomfort around your abdomen for about two weeks. You can get back to your regular activities in two to four weeks.
Call our specialized doctor immediately if you have any signs of infections like fever or redness and swelling at the incision site.
Suppose your abdominal adhesiolysis causes you digestive issues or pain. In that case, it is high time for you to contact our highly efficient doctors at Brundavan women & child care centre to get them removed.