In India, 10 to 15% of couples are infertile, so if you and your partner are struggling to have a baby, you are not alone.
For most of the couples, infertility is described as not being able to conceive after at least a year of trying.
Infertility may be the result from an underlying issue with you or your partner or both that prevent pregnancy. Fortunately, at Brundavan Women & Child Care centre there are many safe and effective treatments that significantly improve your chances of getting pregnant.
You should check with our specialist doctors for infertility when even after regularly trying to conceive for a year you could not conceive and you are showing symptoms like,
- Having very painful periods
- Irregular or absent periods
- Multiple miscarriages
- Undergone treatment for cancer
Men should talk to our infertility doctor when they have symptoms like,
- Problems with ejaculation
- History of sexual problems
- Undergone treatment for cancer
- Swelling in the scrotum
- Family history of infertility
Treatment for infertility:
Men’s treatment for infertility includes, certain medication that may improve the sperm count. For some conditions our specialist doctors might advice surgery to reverse a sperm blockage and restore fertility.
Our doctors might use sperm retrieval technique to obtain sperm when ejaculation is a problem or when there is no sperm present in the fluid.
Women need only one or two therapies to improve fertility but in extreme cases some women might need several different treatment to conceive. Due to ovulation disorders women who are infertile our doctors might give fertility drugs.
Depending on the reason for infertility our expert doctors might start intrauterine insemination (IUI), which is a process to place healthy sperm directly in the uterus around the time your ovulation.
You may require surgery to improve fertility if you have uterine problems such as uterine septum, endometrial polyps, intrauterine scar tissue.
Coping with infertility can be extremely difficult, it might take a emotional toll on a couple. We at Brundavan Women & Child Care centre are here to make this journey a fruitful one for you and for your partner. Our doctors will provide you with the best and world class treatment for infertility.